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    脸书:破解代码 Facebook: Cracking the Code (2017)

    最近更新: 2021-01-21 HD1280高清中字版


    • Worth the watch to enlighten you on how powerful this social media company has become.
    • 在social platform加强隐私保护的意识。又好像无时无刻都在裸奔,尤其是这个国家,互联网公司可以恬不知耻的践踏隐私,再说一句:人们更倾向于用隐私换效率。
    • 其实不是这部,可能豆瓣还没有更新。是BBC horizon系列的脸书之后这个纪录片,结尾的时候一句话点醒我,from naive child to an adult who begins to take responsibilities of the society.Exactly,长大总是要付出代价,脸书是,互联网世界是,我,也是。
    • 事儿是这么回事儿,说的还是太表面…

    Facebook is an enormously powerful corporation, harnessing both the self-disclosed and gleaned personal data of almost 2 billion people. Its user-base is larger than the population of any country. The company is all pervasive online, tracking and profiling users and non-users alike. Cracking the Code looks at the insides of this giant machine and how Facebook turns your thoughts and behaviours into profits—whether you like it or not. And it's not just a one-way transaction either. Cracking the Code also explains how Facebook uses vast troves of web data to manipulate the way you think and feel, as well as act—all in the sole interests of Facebook, masquerading as "community." What are the social implications of this—when one company basically controls the insights and experiences of the entire online world, with extremely personalised and targeted social and behavioural engineering on a scale never before seen?





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