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    伦敦杀戮 第一季 London Kills Season 1 (2019)

    最近更新: 2023-10-03 第05集


    • 寻妻之路
    • 其实剧情还是有潜力的,但是太多细节需要打磨了,先从审嫌疑人应该有律师在场开始。
    • 因为不知不觉看了好几个Speer演了配角的片终于找到这个剧了……(脸盲,事实证明,基本没救。) 我合理怀疑他之前演的角色不是中年危机(the full monty可能算青年危机)就是兵/警察,这次演主角人设是中年危机警察,好的吧。 剧情出乎意料的还不错。特喜欢那个警察小姐姐和那个凶手姑娘……眼神戏太足了怎么能这么会!Speer大概对这种角色驾轻就熟了,警探在他那个不让人省心的继女面前的时候,脸上仿佛写着''我过去的20年每天都在经历中年危机''这么一行字。
    • starts off each episode with a victim and follows the squad restoring order to a murderous society as in a documentary while holding off the truth of what happened to the inspector's wife creating a serialized plot. The actress playing psychopath Amber is so good that I am scared of her smirk.

    With the world's most recognizable city as its backdrop, LONDON KILLS will dramatize the experiences of a team of top murder detectives. Slick, modern and fast moving, the series will be shot like a cutting-edge documentary. Each episode of LONDON KILLS will focus on a different murder following the detectives as they uncover the truth behind the killing but will also have a serial story involving the lead detective's missing wife.




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