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    意大利制造 Made in Italy (2018)

    最近更新: 2023-02-12 BD720P中字


    • 可能全世界的男人都一样犟吧
    • 萨小姐发自那不勒斯的吐血推荐。飞机上看的。
    • 一首诗可还行
    • 下载错了,就顺便看了。意大利男人们的中年危机
    • 故事还算能吸引我,但拍的太平淡了。无亮点和看点。
    • 细胞半衰期——7年
    • 面对妻子出轨,好朋友自杀,给本来就不容易的中年人再来个迎头一击。据说男演员很出名,整部片子还挺意大利。
    • 意大利之无奈中年
    • 可能我没看懂
    • 比其他描写中年危机的片子更适口
    • 可还行
    • 真诚,最后一段好感动!人到中年互相温暖才能支撑着活下去尤其欧洲经济现在这个样子
    • 中年危机。
    • 下错电影,看了一部意大利中年危机哈哈哈哈
    • 飞机上看的 练听力 可能没认真所以剧情其实没怎么懂?
    • 2.01
    • 不知道讲啥,看了10分钟,看不下去了。
    • 没想到意大利底层人民过得也那么辛苦
    • 也很闷
    • 挺真实的。意大利绝不是只有美景与美食的国度。

    Made in Italy is a declaration of the love-hate relationship with the Country told through the eyes of RIKO, a common man. It’s Ligabue’s alter ego; the man he could have been if he hadn’t been swept away by music. Riko works in a cured meats factory, like his father, surrounded by more pigs than people. The real, everyday love he shares with Sarah, is in predicament.  While Riko’s unhappy with his job, he’s lucky to be working at all, unlike several of his colleagues fired at the age of fifty. Not even going out with friends, including Carnevale, is enough to soothe the professional and existential crisis. To shake things up, he decides to drive to Rome with his friends. Together they take part in a protest during which Riko receives a blow to the head. The hit brings a change including making amends with his wife and confronting the problems at work.  Riko and Sara decide to remarry though this emotional new beginning is abruptly interrupted by Sara’s confession. She cheated on him with Carnevale, his best friend, who then commits suicide. Riko is then fired and the loss of his friend and job sends him spiraling into a depression that leads him to consider suicide. It’s thanks to his son, Pietro, that he begins to regain strength and find a way to start again.





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