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    美国之锈 American Rust Season 1 (2021)

    最近更新: 2024-03-30 第9集


    • 3.0 都没有字幕组翻译了 sad I want to like it...but... Jeff Daniels还是发挥很好,(我太喜欢他的声音了 但故事的节奏非常缓慢,甚至有点无聊。没有一个角色是特别有趣的,也让人喜欢不起来。不过还有足够的兴趣再看一两集,看看故事如何展开。
    • 看着他们每个人的生活 非常希望生活赐他们一死
    • 从来没想过杰夫丹尼尔斯+铁锈小镇这个配置会1+1<2,有够难看
    • 完了 我看Jeff永远都是newsroom那味

    Based on Philipp Meyer’s celebrated debut novel, American Rust is a compelling family drama and a timeless story of wanting a brighter future while being held prisoner by the past. The story of survival and transcendence is told through the eyes of complicated and compromised chief of police Del Harris of a Pennsylvania Rust Belt town full of good people making bad choices. When news of a murder rips through the town, Harris must decide what lengths he is willing to take to protect the son of the woman he loves. Starring Jeff Daniels and Maura Tierney. Watch the premiere on Sunday, September 12 at 10/9c on SHOWTIME.





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