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    情锁男开 (2020)

    最近更新: 2020-11-30 第06集
    • 主演:未知
    • 导演:未知
    • 编剧:未知
    • 分类:泰剧
    • 地区:泰国 
    • 年份:2020 
    • 更新:11.30
    • 简介:看片狂人(www.kpkuang.com)为您奉上泰国电视剧《情锁男开》的免费在线观看,《情锁男开》是本片(剧)于2020上映,对白语言为,属于类型,最后祝您观影愉快,本页面也会及时添加或更新本片(剧)的影评信息及最新播放源。以下是剧情简介:
      Love in the time of a pandemic. While it’s certainly not the best time to go out, meet someone and fall in love, Key and Chen find each other in the middle of the enhanced community quarantine and connect in ways that surprise them both. As they get to know each other despit...... 完整简介请见下方



    Love in the time of a pandemic. While it’s certainly not the best time to go out, meet someone and fall in love, Key and Chen find each other in the middle of the enhanced community quarantine and connect in ways that surprise them both. As they get to know each other despite the restrictions, challenges and even dangers stemming from the pandemic, something very special starts to blossom between them. In a time when we’re forced to keep apart from each other, does love have the power to connect us?




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