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    全美一叮 (0)

    最近更新: 2020-09-01 冠军赛15
    • 主演:内详
    • 导演:内详
    • 编剧:未知
    • 分类:综艺
    • 地区:香港 
    • 年份:未知
    • 更新:09.01
    • 简介:看片狂人(www.kpkuang.com)为您奉上香港综艺节目《全美一叮》的免费在线观看,《全美一叮》是由导演:内详执导,由内详等领衔主演,对白语言为粤语,属于类型,最后祝您观影愉快,本页面也会及时添加或更新本片(剧)的影评信息及最新播放源。以下是剧情简介:
      AGT is back with more amazing acts and talent! Auditions kicks off with a cat act. Mother and daughter duo trains cats to jump hoops, balance on beams, etc. Magician Shin intrigues us with his sleight of hand. Ian Brown wants to be a judge and replace Howie! We Three...... 完整简介请见下方


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    AGT is back with more amazing acts and talent! Auditions kicks off with a cat act. Mother and daughter duo trains cats to jump hoops, balance on beams, etc. Magician Shin intrigues us with his sleight of hand. Ian Brown wants to be a judge and replace Howie! We Three performs an original song about their mother which touches us all. Fontane Umane shocks us with their hilarious performance of My Heart Will Go On.




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