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    地狱之火 Lake Of Fire (2006)

    最近更新: 2024-04-19 正片


    • 男人在堕胎议题上没有话语权。
    • Pro-life… These people aren’t pro-life, they’re killing doctors! What kind of pro-life is that? What, they’ll do anything they can to save a fetus but if it grows up to be a doctor they just might have to kill it? They’re not pro-life. You know what they are? --ANTI-WOMAN!
    • 大背景是在美国国内对堕胎问题的道德与法律上的争论,受害的是贫民阶层,因为富有的阶层可以选择其他国家堕胎。纪录片看似中立,但通过援引科学家,律师及各种组织的采访,显然是支持妇女堕胎的权力的。
    • "Abortionists are murderers. Murderers deserve execution" vs "God save us from Christian terrorists"...不少画面触目惊心。就像一位受访者说的,单纯的“权利”话语的对立容易走向绝对、走向极端。但如果强调个体体验,似乎又天然地偏向pro-choice……真难啊
    • 镜头逼得很紧,语速很快脑壳很疼。没找到中文字幕,大部分对话只能靠猜测。专属词汇很多,纪录片的会意难度也太大,只能囫囵看了。堕胎与安乐死有些类似,却又截然不同。表述观点未必需要直观呈现。好比解析杀人动机,不见得当场杀一个给你们看看。所有争论的背后,都是出于对生命的敬畏。而这又恰恰是人类的死穴。
    • 触目惊心但不过激,各种立场都有所阐释。
    • 可能是题材有点过于纪录,故事性没有,有点看不太下去
    • 十分优秀的纪录片。不管是摄影还是内容都十分优秀,尤其赞一个不带过多主观感情的叙述。覆盖了两大争论方,又结合了各方意见…基本留给观影者自己思考的空间很大。(ps:又要再次感叹信宗教的人好可怕…🌚)希望以后早日无性繁殖,就没这么多事儿了。
    • 就像是我说不出的那个
    • 《烈焰之湖》被許多人視為關於墮胎議題最全面的紀錄片,導演選擇不帶主觀感情的敘事風格,結合多位人士意見,留給觀眾思考空間,可惜受訪對象全面性欠缺,反墮胎方人數不及支持方,而且幾乎都是狂熱信徒,偶爾幾位較為理性的又篇幅不長(其中包括「羅訴韋德案」當事人Norma McCorvey,原本是支持墮胎的女同志最後變成反墮胎的天主教徒),讓本片中立立場搖搖欲墜,觀眾看完後應該會傾向於支持墮胎吧。
    • 不带立场的纪录片。真是令人费解,基督徒为什么对婴儿的纯洁如此偏爱,一个自由国家为什么对女性的权利一再干涉???
    • 男人在堕胎议题上没有话语权
    • 牛逼死了。
    • TK万岁!:)
    • 喪到極致 每個人 都隱藏著自己的痛苦,沒有誰是幸運的.........每個人都希望一份理解!
    • 话题其实挺沉重的
    • Thought-provoking. 只在美帝liberal bubble里生活过的我,一直觉得pro-choice理所应当,但是看到影片里真实的堕胎影像,再想想那个Nat Hentoff教授既liberal又pro-life的观点,才觉得,这个美国政治里最divisive的议题,真的,没那么简单,“就能找到,聊得来的伴;尤其是在,看过了那么多的背叛;总是不安,只好强悍;谁谋杀了我的浪漫……”
    • 从受精卵到成型的胎儿,哪一个点使得子宫内的生命拥有了权力?
    • If life began at conception then why do we celebrate "birthdays"?








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    Ever since Roe v. Wade, the United States has been deeply divided on the issue of abortion. In that landmark case, an unmarried pregnant woman was refused an abortion in Texas and, with the ensuing judicial challenge, won American women the right to safe, legal abortions. Ever since, proponents and opponents have lined up on either side of the issue, launching verbal abuse - and worse - at each other. As the religious right has increased in size and power in the past decade, the issue has become even more divisive - and violent.Filmmaker Tony Kaye, best known for "American History X," has been working on "Lake of Fire" for the past fifteen years and has made a film that is unquestionably the definitive work on the subject of abortion. Shot in luminous black and white, which is in fact an endless palette of grays, the film has the perfect esthetic for a subject where there can be no absolutes, no 'right' or 'wrong.' He gives equal time to both sides, covering arguments from either extremes of the spectrum, as well as those at the center, who acknowledge that, in the end, everyone is 'right' - or 'wrong.'With graphic images of termination procedures and their aftermath, Kaye endeavors to show abortion's physical and psychological reality - to make clear what exactly is at stake. "Lake of Fire" - the film's title comes from one person's description of what awaits abortionists in hell - is a brave film, even a monumental one. And whatever you believe now, you are certain to think differently after seeing it.




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