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    お天気お姉さんR (1995)

    最近更新: 2024-01-19 HD高清
    • 主演:愛禾みさ / 加藤陵子 / 平沙織 / 伊藤清美
    • 导演:細山智明 (Tomoaki Hosoyama)
    • 编剧: (Tetsu Adachi)
    • 分类:考驾照
    • 地区:日本 
    • 年份:1995 
    • 更新:01.19
    • 豆瓣评分 暂无评分
    • IMDB评分 4.7 (票)
    • TMDB评分 4.00 (热度:1.78)
    • 简介:看片狂人(www.kpkuang.com)为您奉上日本电影《お天気お姉さんR》的免费在线观看,《お天気お姉さんR》是由导演:細山智明执导,由愛禾みさ,加藤陵子,平沙織,伊藤清美等领衔主演,本片(剧)于1995上映,对白语言为日语,属于类型,最后祝您观影愉快,本页面也会及时添加或更新本片(剧)的影评信息及最新播放源。以下是剧情简介:
      Keiko is the new owner of a local television station, and she’s determined to succeed, no matter what! But the rival TV station will stop at nothing to crush her, and one by one, Keiko’s new programs are humiliatingly sabotaged. W...... 完整简介请见下方


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    Keiko is the new owner of a local television station, and she’s determined to succeed, no matter what! But the rival TV station will stop at nothing to crush her, and one by one, Keiko’s new programs are humiliatingly sabotaged. When the weather woman falls victim to an underhanded trick, Keiko decides that she’s through being nice. While filling in for the stricken reporter, she flashes her underwear, making her weather forecast an instant hit! What follows is an outrageously sexy contest – which judges skimpy costumes and arm wrestling instead of beauty and talent – to determine who will be the reigning weather woman!惠子是当地一家电视台的新老板,她决心无论如何都要成功!但竞争对手电视台将不惜一切代价打压她,惠子的新节目被一个接一个地羞辱地破坏。当天气预报员成为一个卑鄙诡计的受害者,惠子决定她是通过友好。在替那位受伤的记者工作时,她亮出她的内衣,使她的天气预报一举成名!接下来是一场极其性感的比赛——评委不是美貌和才华,而是衣着暴露和扳手腕——来决定谁将成为天气预报界的霸主!





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